About University
The restoration of spiritual structures alongside the structure of material infrastructures is considered a necessary thing, and this task is not possible except through the training of professional, faithful, and sincere staff who will save the country from these deadly and destructive abysses. In this sense, the establishment and creation of educational centers and universities are considered necessary and necessary to obtain such a goal.
By understanding this responsibility, we, in our turn, made efforts to participate in this blessed path and establish Dawat University.
Through this good action, we ask Allah Almighty to help us in continuing this path and grant success to the work that is Her love and pleasure.

graduated students
undergraduate and graduate students
undergraduate and graduate programs

The history of Dawat University
With the beginning of a new era in Afghanistan, noticeable progress was observed at the level of high schools and thousands of people graduated from the country’s high schools and young people turned to universities and educational institutions. And since the state universities were not considered sufficient to accept this countless number, the burden of responsibility of the state universities became heavier with the passage of time. So, the government felt the need to open the gates of private higher educational institutions according to Article 49 of the Constitution for the education of young people who were not admitted to public universities.
This university is considered one of the prestigious universities in the country, which was officially founded in 2009 due to the special efforts and attention of the president of this university, Prof. Abd Rab Al-Rasoul “Sayyaf”, who is still the proud president of this university.
Mission and Values



Academic Excellence

This university is trying to use the latest methods and procedures in teaching; and in the first step, it established the Faculties of Sharia, Law and Political Science, and Engineering.
After one year in 2010, two Faculties of Economics and Journalism were established along with the aforementioned faculties, and in 2011 the Faculty of Pharmacy and 2012 the Faculty of Curative Medicine for Women was also established.
Following that, this university was able to establish a master’s degree in the fields of Jurisprudence and Law (Sharia Faculty) and International Relations (Law and Political Science Faculty) in 2013 and 2014.
The academic semesters at Dawat University span 16 weeks. The spring semester runs from March to June, with final exams beginning in July. The autumn semester runs from August to November, with final exams starting in December.