Seerat-ul-Nabi Competition

Dawat University Kabul, Afghanistan

The Student Committee, in cooperation with the Vice President of Student Affairs, successfully held a Seerat-un-Nabi competition among university students and other Seerat enthusiasts on Wednesday, 11-09-2024, in the morning and evening hours, in coordination with the faculties, to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH).

Appreciation of students of the spring semester 1403

Dawat University Kabul, Afghanistan

As usual, Dawat University honors outstanding students at the end of each semester. For this purpose, the Vice President of Student Affairs honored a group of outstanding students from the faculties of Sharia, Economics, Engineering, Law and Political Science, and Pharmacy who achieved the highest scores in the spring semester of 1403 AH during a grand ceremony in the general hall of Dawat University.