General Information

The master’s program in the field of jurisprudence and law is a multi-dimensional educational system and is planned in such a way as to provide higher education above the bachelor’s degree for those students who want to specialize in the field of jurisprudence and law and have decided in this direction for into the field of scientific research and be a source of service on Islamic jurisprudence and jurisprudential issues that require research.

About the Program

The curriculum of this program is designed to include all aspects of this specialization, to graduate those who have the knowledge and skills needed to answer problems and resolve jurisprudential disputes. This program develops critical thinking in jurisprudence opinions and strengthens research talent in students. The purpose of establishing the master’s program in jurisprudence and law has a specific purpose and aim, which is to train a knowledgeable, skilled and service-minded person for the society. The trained cadres of this department are engaged in serving in the country’s judicial, judicial and education system and are actually working for local, regional, national and social development.

This program is intended for male and female students who have completed 7 graduation periods (332 students).

Program Credits: 40

13 (Pre) + 40 (Main) + 6 (Thesis) = 59 Credits

1st Year

Prerequisite Topics Credits

Principle of Jurisprudences

3 Credits

Punishment Jurisprudence

2 Credits

Fundamentals of Interpretation

2 Credits

Hadith Sciences

2 Credits

Fundamentals of Law

2 Credits

Personal Jurisprudence

2 Credits

1st Semester Credits

Fiqh of the holy Qur'an

3 Credits

Textual Jurisprudence (Marriage)

2 Credits

Islamic Criminal Law

3 Credits

Research Methodology

2 Credits

The Political System

2 Credits

Jurists' Methods / Philosophy of Law

2 Credits

2nd Semester Credits

Fiqh of the Sunnah

3 Credits

Islamic Legal Maxims

2 Credits

Comparative of Usual al-Fqih

3 Credits

Law Comparative of Fqih

3 Credits

Reasons for Differing Jurists / Contemporary Jurisprudence Issues

2 Credits

3rd Semester Credits

Jurisprudence of Purposes

2 Credits

Stability and Change in Islamic Law

2 Credits

Jurisprudential Theories

2 Credits

Jurisprudence of Pleadings

2 Credits

Islamic Banking

3 Credits

Hadith Authority

2 Credits

Thesis Credits


6 Credits