Bachelor of Pharmacy

General Information

The field of pharmacy is a part of medical sciences that plays a role in the production and manufacture of medicine, the investigation of the state of medicine in the human body and living organisms, and the extent of the effect of medicine on the health of society and reducing disease-causing crises.

It may be interesting to know that about 30 to 50 percent of the unsuccessful treatment method of a patient is related to medicine. That is, the quality of the drug, the choice of the type of drug and the way of using the drug (what foods or spices the patient used the drug with) can weaken the effect of the drug. It is the duty of a pharmacist to diagnose the cause and guide the treating doctor in this regard.

Considering the above, the Bachelor of Pharmacy program started its scientific activities for the first time in 2011.

This program is intended for the male class, which has completed 16 graduation rounds so far (790 students) and has the following field:

1. General Pharmacy: 165 Credits

The dean of this faculty is under the responsibility of Mr. Noorullah "Mandizai" and its teaching management is under the responsibility of Mr. Nabiullah "Ibrahimi".

Strategic Plan of the Pharmacy Faculty (1399-1403)


Catalog of the Pharmacy Faculty



The vision of the Faculty of Pharmacy is to improve the quality of education according to standard demand, standard teaching, providing research fields related to pharmacy affairs, developing scientific research needed by the country and region and active participation in pharmacy services.


  • Developing the level of pharmacy knowledge through teaching, research, practical work and internship.
  • Development and improvement of pharmacy matters and playing a leadership role in the production of medicine and other pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical administration and management, pharmaceutical laws and policies, treatment care, pharmaceutical services for inpatients, pharmacy care, pharmaceutical services for the community and playing an effective role in the field of health services.
  • Presenting qualified pharmacists (with knowledge, skills, behavior and professional abilities) to perform pharmaceutical services and solve problems caused by drugs in the country.
  • Development of people's health through the provision of standard medicinal services and the regulation of pharmaceutical matters.


  • Standard and quality higher education.
  • Justice, fairness and equality, providing facilities and education for everyone, regardless of language, gender, race, ethnicity and religion.
  • Honesty and adherence to Islamic and national values.
  • Effort, creativity and initiative
  • Commitment to effective and valuable use of resources, and responsible for all activities in front of peoples
  • Freedom of expression with responsibility
  • Responsibility and accountability, the Faculty of Pharmacy is accountable to the relevant authorities in the field of all its responsibilities and is also accountable in the process of standard and quality education.

Strategic Goals

  • Hiring and upgrading the capacity of scientific and administrative staff
  • Developing and standardizing the educational curriculum and vocabulary according to the needs of the day and in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Higher Education
  • Using modern technology
  • Creating a culture of scientific research
  • Earning income
  • National and international activities
  • The role of the faculty in education and community development

Educational Goals

  • Active participation in the supply, production, distribution and control of spices and food based on modern, scientific and technical methods.
  • Advancing the technical and professional affairs of government pharmacies, hospitals and urban pharmacies.
  • Active participation in the field of procurement and supply of pharmaceutical services, pharmacy care, information system and drug legislation.
  • Advancement of clinical pharmacy affairs and evaluation of drug treatment in hospitals.
  • Implementation and interpretation of biological examinations, active participation in the fight against infectious diseases and microbial resistance.
  • Quality analysis and analysis of food products and cosmetics in food and cosmetic analysis laboratories.
  • Study and research about medicinal plants, use and search for better ways to supply and exploit the country's plant flora.
  • Active role in epidemiological study and research and pharmacy related matters.
  • Ability in the research, recognition, treatment and prevention of toxic substances, analysis and analysis of toxicological samples in forensic medicine, industrial products, toldide spices, food and cosmetics.


The curriculum of this program based on the credit system is as follows:

- General Pharmacy Department


Fee Information

Dawat University is proud to provide the best and most comprehensive academic services at a high level to its students by receiving the lowest tuition fees among the universities and higher education institutions of the country.

Newly enrolled students are required to pay their fees in the financial department within one week after the entrance exam results are announced. The fee payment time is at the beginning of the semester and it is received based on the current currency of the country (Afghani).

# Subject Main Fee Discount Fee after Discount
1 Kankor Registration 200 0 200
2 University entrance fee (only once) 2,000 0 2,000
3 Tuition fee (per semester) 20,000 8,000 12,000
4 Monograph (only once) 4,000 0 4,000
5 Monograph (only once) 500 0 500
Total Cost: - - -

Note: The discount on the semester fee is for one study period.


The required books of the Faculty of Economics were purchased and stored from publishing sources and bookstores according to the needs of the departments of this university, and they are listed according to the topics and titles, and they are at the service of the students for further use.

This library is equipped with books, magazines, daily news and other scientific topics, which is open to students and professors from 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM.

# Language of Books Number of Books
1 Dari 64
2 English 17
3 Pashto 14
4 Arabic 1
Total: 96

Contact Information of Administrative and Academic staff

# Full Name Position Phone Number Email
1 Noorullah Mandizai Dean of Faculty 0704460069
2 Nabiullah Ibrahimi Teaching Manager 0788416754 -
3 Ahmad Walid Saberi Professor 0777079633
4 Zabiullah Mohammadi Professor 0748917916
5 Abdul Sabor Hashemi Professor 0785937079

Outstanding students of spring semester - 1401

# Full Name Father Name Semester Avarage
1 Hasibullah Mohammadullah 1st 96.89
2 Ahmad Milad Mohammad Salim 2nd 94
3 Abdul Kabir Haji Abdul Monir 3rd 89.31
4 Mohammad Hussain Mohammad Hanif 4th 88.33
5 Abdul Salam Nazar Mohammad 5th 92.55
6 Hayatullah Enayatullah 6th 84.5
7 Asadullah Mohammad Joma 7th 87.81
8 Abdul Ahad Mohammad Ishaq 8th 85.45
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